24 abril, 2019
Seminario «Parabolic H-measures and applications in continuum mechanics»
Se extiende la invitación al seminario “Parabolic H-measures and applications in continuum mechanics” que dictará el Profesor de la Universidad de Zagreb, Croacia, Nenad Antonic Ph.D. Este se llevará a cabo el día martes 30 de abril a las 15:30 horas en el Auditorio San Agustín, Edificio San Agustín, Campus San Joaquín.
«H-measures, including their variants, such as semiclassical (or Wigner) measures, or more general one-scale H-measures, as well as H-distributions and microlocal compactness forms, are microlocal defect functionals, the objects constructed over the phase space by using the Fourier transform, developed to provide better understanding of limits in various asymptotic problems.
We shall try to briefly describe these objects, mainly discussing parabolic H-measures, and stressing their possible applications in continuum mechanics, to small-amplitude homogenisation of the heat equation and the homogenisation of the time-dependent Stokes system, as well as some preliminary results regarding higher order equations, like the vibrating plate equation.»
Sobre el Expositor
El Prof. Antonic, obtuvo su Ph.D. en Matemáticas de la Carnegie Mellon University en 1992, es un experto en Ecuaciones Diferenciales Parciales, Cálculo de Variaciones y Análisis Microlocal. Sus trabajos han sido pioneros en el análisis microlocal de ecuaciones parabólicas.