18 julio, 2022

Seminario: «Unsaturated soil Mechanics and the environment»

Expone: Martí Lloret-Cabot, PhD.

21 de julio de 2022, 12:00 hrs. Actividad presencial.

Auditorio San Agustín, Edificio San Agustín, Campus San Joaquín UC

El Departamento de Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica UC invita al seminario «Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and the Environment» que dictará el académico Martí Lloret-Cabot, PhD, Profesor Asistente del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil en Durham University, Inglaterra.

About the speaker: Dr Martí Lloret-Cabot

Martí Lloret-Cabot is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering at Durham University. He received his MEng degree in Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC, Barcelona) in 2005. After graduation, he moved to Glasgow to begin a joint PhD degree between USTRAT and the University of Glasgow (UofG), which he completed in 2011. In 2010, he moved to the Netherlands to work at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) for two years as an Experienced Marie Curie Fellow. He then moved to Australia in 2012 where he spent about five years at the Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering of the University of Newcastle (UoN, Australia). In 2017, he secured funding to develop his Individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie project «COUPLED» at UofG.

His research expertise is in constitutive modelling of geomaterials when these are under saturated or unsaturated conditions. He has also made important contributions in the area of risk and variability in geotechnical engineering. Particularly relevant is his publication on modelling the spatial variation of soil properties which received the GeoRisk 2014 Best Paper award in 2015 and the 2017 Most Cited award in 2018.


Soil can either be saturated (when all the voids or pores between the soil particles are fully filled with water), unsaturated (when soil’s pores are partially filled with water and partially filled with air) or dry (when all voids are fully filled with air). The combined presence of water and air within the pore space of an unsaturated soil adds additional complexity to the representation of its mechanical response and, unlike saturated or dry soils, the mechanical response of an unsaturated soil (including volume change and shear strength) is highly influenced by the amount of water present in the soil pores. This presentation will focus on the characterisation of how this pore water influences the mechanical response of a soil under unsaturated conditions and particular emphasis will be taken on the representation of the transitions between saturated and unsaturated conditions, which will be explained in the context of the Glasgow Coupled Model (GCM).

El seminario se realizará el día jueves 21 de junio a las 12:00 hrs en el Auditorio San Agustín, Edificio San Agustín, Campus San Joaquín. Debido a la capacidad de la sala, se requiere inscripción previa aquí: